Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hello people!
I just had my reunion dinner, yummy!
So I shall say, let the photos do the talking!

My dad shifting the paper.

Dad: When can we start? Im hungry already. *Rubs tummy*

Dad: I cannot wait any longer, I go & eat other things.
Mum: No, *Blocks dad*

Jumi: Wah, my sir & mdm have left me alone.

Ha ha, obviously thats not their actual conversation (:


Money tree!

My computer & I :D

Mmm :D

The main thinggy, is that chicken stock in there?

What a nice scenery to add on with the serenity :D

My mummy!

My sista & I!

My father eating already xD

What more can you ask for with a purple drink? (:

She wants me to take her picture. Lol.

Dum dee dee dum.


HEHE, beware of my poking chopsticks!

Im going visiting tomorrow! Mum & Dad's side.
Has been super long since I've last saw my relatives.
Update more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow (:
Goodbye world!

And as we lie beneath the stars, we realize how small we are.
If they could love like you and me, imagine what the world could be.

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